- A day that can mark a fresh beginning, a new start.
- A day that can possess high expectations for perfection.
- A day that fills me with a bit of dread, with the wish for just another ordinary day with no need for special attention...
365 days have passed. What's the big deal? We all have a birthday.
But, even with all that cheer, there CAN be reasons to stop and breathe, to review and take inventory...
So here are some considerations on this birthday of mine.
At times, I struggle with how much the world around seems to accomplish, to achieve, to show for itself. I often feel far behind. Not enough. Not meeting standards. Nnot grabbing hold of life and all the options out there to fully experience and fully risk.
The beautifully freeing thing?
That it is possible to learn about and even understand yourself better, and to even kinda like yourself more: the real you, the one you were created to be.
And each year, we have 365 more days to grow and cherish these realizations:
How we can appreciate the natural, genuine, true who-we-are...
That there is no need to strive to duplicate someone else, but instead we can appreciate the who-we-are, and celebrate those unique quirks and traits we often overlook instead of nurture. PERSPECTIVE is a gift.
For me?
I have been learning that I express myself much, MUCH better through writing my words than by being put on the spot to express my thoughts aloud.
This is okay.
For me?
I am content with quiet days.
This is okay.
For me?
I cannot fathom the busyness and juggling and achievement that those with more ambitious personalities have to show for their days. I do my best to manage my imperfect little world and precious little family and cluttered little house around me.
This is okay.
For me?
I tend to yearningly look forward to tucking the boys in bed at night, and the idea of wrapping up responsibilities and retreating to watch an episode of (ahem) Star Trek ;) or somethin' before bed at night. And I also feel somewhat guilty at wishing away social interactions so that I can have some minute to myself.
This is okay.
For me?
I often internalize injustice and anger and am not sure how to best cope with these yucky feelings. I am still growing. I am not "there" yet.
This is okay.
For me?
I do like a tidy house. I prefer order and beauty. But the reality is, I live in a cozy, crazy home filled with the lives of 4 other people who keep me busy, and who need to learn more than "she want toys picked up." But I am still learning this.
And this is okay.
I could spend my precious hours dwelling on the what-others-are-doing, but this produces nothing but a pit. Not a thriving garden...
And what do I want a legacy of Elizabeth to be? That I did well in imitating so-and-do? That I was so consumed with trying so hard, that I neglected uncovering the richness of the individual I was made as.
Hmm. Not so much.
So. Here is to celebrating the genuine in me:
"Once I finally grab hold, I will take the conversation, the idea, and the influence all the way in, allow it all to move and shape my thoughts and my actions. These slow-cooked thoughts will influence how I love, how I think, how I write. They will fill up holes of misunderstanding, smoothing some of the rounded question marks into straight up exclamation points... Many are in a season of speed, a time of movement, of action, and go. But that is not where I am now. And I cannot wait for the world to stop to embrace my permission for slow.
So here’s to you, my fellow slow-processors. Take the long way home. Embrace the silence to consider.Give yourself permission to think, to listen, to be sure. Here’s to waiting before we move, pausing before we speak, and taking a week to cross of our day list. Here’s to shuffling our feet, playing on the floor, and staring out the window if we need to. Here’s to listening to our questions, sitting in the darkness, and letting our experiences do their deep work within us. Here’s to a long, deep breath."
(Emily P. Freeman)
What can you start to celebrate in you?
These past several years of my adult life, in particular, have nurtured my spirit...
- the new experiences of motherhood, stay-at-home-mom, etc.
- the blooming of relationships, both the new that have been grown in this stage and this community, and the ones that are decades old.
- the awareness of an untapped gift (like: I.LOVE.TO.WRITE. An enormous heartfelt thank you to each of you who have encouraged me and spurred me onward. Wow.).
- the growth of my faith (becoming more established and thriving in the foundation that had long been constructed. Thank you, Dad and Mom and all of you alongside this continuing journey of mine.)
- the continued maturity of decision-making, of trust, of priorities, of empathy...
- the sense of feeling more content in my own skin. In my own "uniquenesses" and what I have inside to share, to better this world, even in a tiny, seemingly insignificant way.
- the lessons of gratitude: day-changing, life-changing.
"Gratitude without limits invites us into God’s generosity —
which exiles the lie of scarcity.
which exiles the lie of scarcity.
God’s generosity is limitless.
Limitless gratitude ushers into a life of limitless generosity —
which ushers into a life of limitless abundance."
which ushers into a life of limitless abundance."
(Ann Voskamp)
How will life look different, come next February 27th? No idea, but I can imagine...
- Will we continue to be living in this home that my boys have been born into?
- Will we be in a completely different community than this dear one?
- What struggles will be present in my life in one year?
- What circumstances will feel more settled and at peace?
- What issues will be stirred up to create anxiety, discontentment, grief?
- Will I have written a book? ;) (Okay, bucket list...)
- Will I be concerned about my health and weight? (I love to eat chocolate chips. Anytime of the day. This does not trouble me too much. But will it in one year?)
- How will my boys have changed and grown and become more of who-they-will-be as unique, celebrated individuals?
- How will my days be spent?
- Will life seem at all familiar to today? This can be a bit frightening...
At the end of the day? No matter what or where?
And for these gifts, I am forever grateful. And have peace.
Blessings, dear reader of my words.
P.S. Pop-up thoughts on my 33rd birthday:
I still cannot believe I am bear the title "MOM".
(Even after 3 children, this name occasionally makes me raise my eyebrows and wonder how in the world I am old enough for this role.)
20 years ago I became a teenager.
(Not sure why that thought struck!)
Birthday surprises can bring tears to my eyes and a smile to my heart.
Flowers, balloons, chocolates, gift cards...
Yet mainly those priceless words that somehow, in some way, I have inspired someone. Been a blessing to another.
That is what fills my heart to brim.