This morning it was just me and my littlest one, together in the nursery.
It was a date.
With broken up, bite-sized animal crackers. And a sippy cup of whole milk.
A baby who could hardly stuff the snacks into his mouth quickly enough. Frantically. Like I was about to snatch away the treat I had just given him.
I sat in the tiny red chair next to him, just watching him. Seeing his soft, slightly chubby arms (bare this morning, despite the winter chill). Pangs of motherly love and deep affection ached in my heart as I took in the sight of my ever-changing baby boy. Those darling chomping noises, as he munched away happily. Little feet swinging as he sat in the chair like a big boy, pressed up against the plastic red table.
A desperate cry would pierce the air every few minutes as he realized his snack pile had diminished. He would gulp down milk from his green sippy cup, or would look pleadingly at me for more to stuff-and-crunch from fist to mouth. (With much evidence of cracker lingering above and below those tiny red lips!)
As we participated in our sweet snack routine, I let my mind drift. Into thoughts that linked between my son's recent enlarged appetite and my own appetite and hunger.
Hunger. Appetite. Growth.
Growth spurts.
My youngest son has been smack in the middle of a growth spurt, it seems. He has been increasingly demanding that his stomach be filled, replenished. When in doubt for a reason for his tears, try food. He has been hungry. Freakishly hungry.
Seeking to be nourished.
Needing to be nourished.
Babies, children need food. Right then. Now!
We need food. More than the physical food, but the deeper kind. The rich, soul-deep kind of food.
As much as the physical nourishment is needed, the intangible mystery is necessary to meet our own aching void/lack/hole in our spirit, heart, mind, soul. The spiritual. The hunger that seeks for us to examine, to investigate the meaning, the reason for our being. The outlook of our future. Of becoming the person we are designed to be, of who we could be. Of living beyond ourselves.
Are you like me, with occasional times you are in the middle of a Growth Spurt? Of realizing the deep-down hunger and appetite for satisfaction? Of being full, needs met. Of growth that you cannot describe, but can feel almost tangibly within.
Then there are also those seasons when we are picky eaters. When we lack an appetite. When we have neglected our need for such nourishment. When we have forgotten that provision is available for us to simply realize and go after.
But, eventually... we must remember. We must be reminded that we will continue to grow. To mature. To develop into who we could be.
In order to do this, we need to pursue and discover the source of nourishment.
Animal crackers and milk... to fill the tummies of little children.
Reading, listening, praying, meditating, learning, growing... to fill the aching, tired void in each of our days. GROWTH.
Like in Ephesians 4:14 and 15- "Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching... Let us grow in every way into Him."
As I write this, my mind scrambles for recent ways I have become filled during times of desperate hunger and need.
Here is one vivid way...
Francis Chan's BASIC series.
1) Fear God
2) Follow Jesus
3) Holy Spirit
4) Fellowship
5) Teaching
6) Prayer
7) Communion
You can watch the video segments here:
And another way...
Billy Graham's My Hope America video series. You can watch those videos, including The Cross, here:
And countless other ways...
- Through asking trusted ones our questions. Listening for their answers.
- Absorbing Godly messages given by our pastors, teachers.
- Playing songs that inspire and remind and prompt.
- Wandering through beautiful places. Appreciating. Being in awe.
- Digging into books. Highlighting, marking, journaling.
- Focusing our attention on the Bible: our source for knowledge, wisdom, understanding, encouragement, challenges, passion.
- And prayer. Stillness. Listening. Listening. Listening.
- Living...
What satisfies your hunger, your appetite?
Just my thoughts on this Sunday...
Blessings to you,
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