Sunday, February 23, 2014

Eyes open. Hold tight.

Perspective. Values.

In a rush (as typical), I grabbed my yellow coffee mug off the shelf. 
Unknown to me, drips of coffee splashed down out onto the carpet.
My husband tried to tell me, as I looked down onto my mug, coffee still inside:
"It's dripping. On the other side." I looked slightly to the left. Nothing. 
"No, on the other side." I looked a bit toward the right. Nothing. 
"No, it's on the other side, down there." I finally looked underneath. Yes, the tiniest droplet of coffee was poised, about to drip. Ah. 


An analogy came abruptly to mind. 
About our values, what we see as the "only way." 
If we open our eyes and our hearts, we will be flooded with the views and perceptions of others... What is important, essential is that when you are considering a different viewpoint, you do not drop your own cup. Don't let go of your grasp onto your foundation of what you believe, to that pull of your instincts. Yet, do make sure you do take a look around and attempt to view that cup from other angles. Be empathetic. Be understanding of differences. 
Know your perspective, and what is truth. Show love to others with different perspectives, different ways of viewing the same.
Like my dear Curious George mug, there is much for the senses to take in, much to observe and enjoy. But it was wise of me to keep that secure hold on the handle.

Be firm in what you hold to be truth. 
But. Do it in love. 

Truth + Love. 

(Add to those, wisdom...)

I think of our culture, our world... I think of what our children are being exposed to. 
How, just last night, our oldest son asked, innocently enough, a question containing a "bad word." 
...How my heart dropped.
...How I questioned the circumstances we allow him to be in when away from home, our grasp. 
...How it is not possible to protect him from the world.
...And how I actually want to have him in "the world" and exposed to a world outside of his home; how I pray each school morning that he will be a light, that he will be a good friend and show love to others, that somehow his little life will change others' lives... yet my spirit questioned our decisions).
I talked with a wise woman this morning. One who has already raised her kids, who now has preteen/teen grandchildren. Although I don't recall her exact words, her perspective encouraged me deep within. To continue to allow our children to be out in the world, but to be continually active in the teaching, in the building and shaping of their values. That we, as parents, have a beautiful ability to have tremendous impact on the people our children will develop into (for better or worse, right?), and that it is better to allow the exposure to the world when they are young and we have the ability to shape their maturing character, then to bubble-protect/hide them from the world, which can lead to their own inner struggle once the world bombards them in young adulthood. 
Just thoughts I'm considering today. 

Thankful for wisdom. 
Truth + Love + Wisdom.

(And add to those trust...) 

Trust that we have a God who knows our hearts and knows our intentions, knows our hopes. And to know that we do not have control over much in this life (although we sure strain for that sensation of control). But, we are able to seek after God and trust that He will instill in us HIS perspective, HIS truth, HIS ways. 

Truth + Love + Wisdom + Trust = Perspective.

Speaking of seeking perspective...

This ridiculous season of winter/spring/winter/spring has created a muddy "situation" in our back porch. Boots, mud, snowpants, mud, toys, mud
(Yes, we have 5 in our family. Yes, the smallest one doesn't even own boots yet. Yes, we have LOTS of boots.)

The beauty-seeker in me desires a house scrubbed clean and fresh.
The realist in me has given up at some point. I am trying to live by this motto:

And truly. When I open my eyes, these 3 small-but-growing boys are absolute treasures. They are muddy. They like being muddy. I can choose to look down at the scuffed up carpet, littered with mud. Or I can look into their bright eyes and rosy cheeks and ruffle their little buzzed heads. And I will HOLD TIGHT to those boy shoulders and squeeze, for this season is a gift, and these lives are a gift. To this undeserving, looking-down momma.

Truth + Love + Wisdom + Trust = Perspective.

In values.
In control.
In heart.
In life situation.

Random assortment of thoughts, but all stemming from that yellow mug, filled with coffee.
(Ahhh... coffee.)

Blessings as we start this week,

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