Friday, March 21, 2014


"This is when living is art is living."
(Emily P. Freeman) 

Life teaches us lessons. All the time. Like snapshots. 
Living. The lessons come. CLICK. Remember. 
For instance?
Waiting for a work call to end before we gathered 'round our dinnertable. Reheating, again, lukewarm dishes of food. 
"No, do not touch until it is time to eat." "Just wait." "Have patience." 
Hungry boys. Crying baby. Moments ticking by. 
Suddenly, "Uh oh, Mom." An explosion of warmed rice. Sticky rice. Table, floor, chair, shirt, socks. Sticky. The child had no longer waited, had not obeyed. Little boy hands had grabbed the container filled with food, and it did not go as planned. 
Boy now sitting on the stairs, away from the table. Waiting for a reaction. Words of anger?
Husband and I, on our knees, picking up pieces of (did I mention: sticky) rice. Piece by tiny piece. Long seconds ticking by.
It strikes me. 
I am on my knees, head bowed to the ground as my own fingers become sticky while gathering white rice off the carpet. How often does this posture and movement occur during hours at home, caring for the needs of children? Hmm. More than I wish. Collecting up bits of playdough, spilled cheerios, dropped sippy cups, scraps of paper, discarded legos, remnants of meals. How often am I grumbling inside. Wishing my minutes could be used in a different way?

On my knees. In my own silence.
A whisper: YOU COULD PRAY.
Not be angry, Not be ruminating. But instead PRAYING.

Remember this, self. On my knees, on the ground? Pray.

A handful of Clicks...

This child's tender vulnerability. Remember this during times you must train and correct. Our imprint on lives is indelible, permanent.
"For certain seasons of their lives, their mama's voice 
may be the best representation of God's heart for them that they have."
(Brooke McGlothlin)

"Appreciate my uniqueness, Momma. Look into my eyes. Do you see me, really? I'm busy, you're busy. Still, look at me, please. Help shape me into the grown-up I'm going to be."
"Notice. Be a noticer."
(Lysa Terkeurst)

Be in the moments, fully. Remember to be slow. Stop the crazy scurrying. Be aware, to savor the scene for what it is. 
 "This course...
it is as full of potential as any course has been and any course will ever be." 
(Alicia Britt Chole)

Life can feel beautiful and abruptly turn ugly. Joy followed by strife. Peace mixed with pain. So: Appreciate the wonder. Grab onto the lovely.
"How will I handle the unplanned? 
...The easy, uninspired way is to be frustrated. This takes zero creativity. 
But the real challenge for me is to walk into this day with new eyes – to decide to see, handle, and face the ordinary in a different kind of way." 
(Emily P. Freeman)

Life is full of the real, the genuine, the humorous unexpected. Be alert. Be looking for these scenes.
"You will be most remembered — 
by what brought you most joy." 
(Ann Voskamp)

In the hustle, the rush, the competition: Contemplate. Take it in. Never stop searching for answers, for purpose.
"So here’s to you, my fellow slow-processors. 
Take the long way home. 
Embrace the silence to consider. 
Give yourself permission to think, to listen, to be sure.
Here’s to waiting before we move, pausing before we speak, and taking a week to cross of our day list. Here’s to shuffling our feet, playing on the floor, and staring out the window if we need to. Here’s to listening to our questions, sitting in the darkness, and letting our experiences do their deep work within us. Here’s to a long, deep breath."
(Emily P. Freeman)

Months pass, people can change before your eyes. Slow, sacrifice, listen, cherish. (And of course, Hug.)
"What God’s graciously given us 
is always enough to be abundant grace for someone else."
(Ann Voskamp)

Oh, how I am thankful for the many CLICKS in my memory. Truly this is how I remember, recall, am reminded. 
So many lessons. And they will only continue for me, for you. (And yes, these personal hobbies will also continue: the taking of pictures and the collecting of quotes... bringing joy and art and life deep within.)

What are your moments, your lessons? 
What are those scenes that are imprinted within you?

Blessings as we're learning on this journey together,

I recognize I am not especially quick or competitive or coordinated or able to juggle much in my small part of the world. But I am learning to see the value of the particular gifts in the way I've been designed. And now to share the blessings I've been slowly uncovering... the simple way I've come to appreciate the days of my life.

"But I picture us standing there
Staying away from time
Just watching it like a river
As it slowly washes by."
(Jack Johnson)

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