Monday, March 3, 2014

Waiting for One Day

 This boy was concentrating. "Total focus." 
Working hard, in his groove...
Quietly unaware.
See those happy little ankles, 
crossed with contentment and swinging to his own non-anxious spirit?
Belief and Trust that his needs will be taken care of today.

Do I have this? Do you?

I recently told my husband: 
Whenever you see me holding your Superman mug, my outlook has been rough. 
A subliminal message to myself. 
That, (sigh) I need a Superwoman boost to my day.
And alas. Today was one of those mornings.
One Day...

Stepped on a lego right at the bottom of the stairs. A mean one. (Ouch. Grr.)
One Day...

Dirty diaper. One that spread. 
Thanks to a baby with ninja speed. In the middle of a diaper change.
Bring out the cleaning supplies. 
(Alright, Keith Urban's "Who Wouldn't Want to Be Me" anybody?!)
One Day...

Finally sneaking a chance for a mid-morning shower, when you hear noises. 
Bam-bump-bam-bam. Could be a one year old who somehow escaped and is attempting to climb down the stairs? Could be a toy knocked over? Could be a bonked head?
Sigh, I turn off the water and call out. (Tension in jaw.)
One Day...

A baby without words. Only a pointer finger. 
And a screech that gives you goosebumps. (Head pounds.)
One Day...

I've been reminded of something several times in these past few day. 
That there are many of us who are strenuously wading water, trying to stay afloat. Pressed in upon. Unsure of how coming days will look. 
Whether from unexpected circumstances 
uncertainty of provisions for coming times
simply the routine of day after day
the unending needs to meet.
Weakness from being tired and worn. And unsure how to keep going.
Waiting for that One Day...

Feeling any of these ways?
Overwhelmed. Overworked. Overanxious. Overdone. 
Then read on...
"But how are we going to DO all this?
This is the most marvelous question, because that is precisely where we should be. 
If we never have to aspire to do more than we know and feel we can do already, 
then we are not living by faith."

"Faith means asking God to do something in us and for us and through us 
that we know we cannot do by ourselves."
(Colin Smith,

These thoughts being me great peace in knowing that I indeed have a firm foundation. That I am not on my own in this hectic, imperfect world. That there is a much grander picture. And that I share a God who has given us promises. Promises that there is more beyond today's needs.

There is waiting. 
There is standing firm.
Because of faith that our needs will be met.

Waiting for that One Day.

Waiting for God's promises to be fulfilled. 
They WILL be fulfilled. 

We may not see the fulfillment in our own lifetime... 
They may take place over many years, many decades.
(Arthur Sunday School class on March 2, 
discussion based on God's covenant to Abraham in Genesis 17, 18)

Through our valleys, mountain peaks, and valleys. Again and again...
"Our God is faithful over the long haul."
(Phillip Jensen, Arthur Sunday School class)

So how do you and I make it through these days, with any bit of "success"?
We lean back into our foundation of faith.
And we recognize there is Someone greater. 
Who both possesses and shares all the strength we need and more. 
One who will give us the strength and the daily manna that we so desperately need today. 
And. And Who holds in His plan the bigger promises that He will fulfill for us someday
In Genesis 17, count the number of times God promises "I WILL ___." He has got a plan. All we can do is wait and trust in His faithful keeping of His promises.

...Even on the hardest days. Even in the midst of never-ending needs. Even in lingering pain. Even with the uncertainties of the future. Even then. HE WILL.
"It’s deep-in-the-trenches work with barely a break, 
and sometimes when we’re in the thick of it, 
it’s difficult to see beyond the moment.
So today, I pray that God gives us eyes to see the miraculous in the mess. 
May we see the glorious rising out of the gritty
May we do the hard work and discover that we are doing holy work. 
May His grace find us in the midst of the mundane, 
and may we pour that abundant grace out to our family."
(Shalene Roberts,

With an understanding sigh and a slight smile...
"I have to stop dreaming of "one day" when things will be easier. Because, the truth is, it may get easier, but it will never be better than today.  
Today, when I am covered in toddler snot and spit up. Today, when I savor those chubby little arms around my neck. Today is perfect.  
"One day" I will get pedicures and showers alone. "One day" I will get myself back.  
But, today I give myself away, and I am tired, and dirty and loved SO much, and I gotta go. Somebody needs me."
(Megan Morton,

 Stand Firm in Faith.

And live today.

And remind another fellow traveler that they are not alone. 

That they, too, can find joy. Living in faith.

...Like our beloved Elephant & Piggie books, by Mo Willems:

Blessings to you, as we continue on our journeys,

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